
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Molten counterfeit basketballs confiscated by CIDG

We must admit that counterfeiting is very rampant here in our country, from clothes, bags, shoes, movies etc. I think that this is one of the major problem that our country is facing since then. Although government officials are trying their luck to catch or even trace where the warehouse of this counterfeiters are they are still not be able to stop it. Consumers are patronizing this kind of products because they can get an imitation of their favorite brands at a cheaper price.

Just recently, the Anti-Fraud Commercial Crimes Division of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) seized more than 200 pieces of fake basketballs amounting close to P500,000 from three sports boutiques in Divisoria.

On the strength of a court-issued search and seizure warrant, the CIDG found Mix Sports, Jianwang and Plus Sports commercial stores in Divisoria engaged in marketing and selling imitations of Molten basketball models GL7 and GG7 and were selling these items at the retail prices of the original models.

Molten Molten Representative Atty. Raul Allado explains to media the difference of authentic Molten balls from fake ones in a CIDG-led raid in Divisoria recently.
Poor consumers are being deceived over and over by this kind of business owners who only wants to get profitability and not thinking how it will affect the economy and the market, we wanted to eliminate this kind of businesses and give the consumers the right to have good and quality products.

According to Molten representative Atty. Raul Allado, "the operation signals the beginning of a vigorous campaign by Molten, by and through our government authorities, to rid the market of fake Moltem products which continue to proliferate to the prejudice of the unknowing public."

He also explains the difference of authentic Molten balls from fake ones such as, the skin of a fake ball easily peels off easily and the markings and blacks channel lines are different. Discoloration and change of texture is often observed in fake ball even without heavy usage. Original Molten balls also comes with a 2-year factory warranty and is sold inflated to avoid deformity.

Molten Representative Atty. Raul Allado presents a sample of confiscated Molten basketballs in Divisoria amounting to P500,000
The CIDG submitted the confiscated balls to the Intellectual Property Office for custody pending their presentation as evidence in connection with the cases filed against the owners of said commercial establishments in violation of Republic Act No. 8293 or the Intellectual Property Code.

The Molten GL7 and GG7 genuine leather models are used in the Philippines Basketball Association, International Basketball Federation (FIBA) and in the upcoming 2012 London Olympics.


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